Kitty Pools and Doggie Pools
Here is Laurel at Myrtle Beach.
She loved to play in the kiddie pool. It was only 14 inches deep and fun to run around in although she definitely still needed watching (both Helen and Karl saved her the first day there after she lost her balance and couldn't stand up).
Sometime during the week, Laurel started talking about the doggie pool. So when I said "kiddie", she heard "kitty" -- and I could understand that. But where was the doggie pool?
I assumed it was the big pool that her brothers swam in.
I was wrong. After we got home, Laurel talked about three pools in Myrtle Beach: the kitty pool, the doggie pool and the big, big pool (her words). So if the doggie pool was not the big pool, that only left one option -- the doggie pool was the hot tub!